Framed by the Arizona DPS

I was framed by the DPS for selling LSD!

It took me 10 years to find out what happened but in the end I found out I was framed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety for selling LSD. Luckily I never went to trial, and ever more luckily I never spent any time in prison for a crime I did not commit.

In the state of Arizona I have sold 3 drugs, marijuana, white crosses and PCP which at the time we thought was THC. I have never sold LSD in the state of Arizona.

Let me restate that. I have never sold drugs on the street in Arizona. I kind of sort of wholesaled them. I am a very shy person and definitely not the salesman type. So I had 3 guys who would sell mostly weed for me. For every 5 bags of pot they sold they got to keep one for free. For them they got to smoke their pot for free and I didn’t have to sell the weed.

In May an Arizona state wide series of arrests by the DPS about 100 people were arrested for drugs they had sold in the past. I was arrested for drugs I was accused of selling back in February, 4 months earlier.

I was never arrested with any drugs on my person. And I was accused of selling 2 hits of LSD to some narcs at Papago Park. And as I said before I never sold drugs on the street, nor did any of my dealers every sell LSD. I thought it was a mistaken identity I didn’t have any idea I was framed at the time ......

Some other incidents where crooked Phoenix police officers have violated my civil rights:

Michael Greenfield

Robert Sparks