Phoenix Police Officers Michael Greenfield and Robert Sparks

They showed me that cops are corrupt!

I can’t believe how stupid and naive I was

I can’t believe how stupid and naive I was when I actually though goods cops would snitch on bad cops and that the police were not corrupt.

I would like to thank Phoenix Police Officers Michael Greenfield and Sergeant Robert Sparks for teaching me that pretty much all police officers are corrupt to the core. Well I am sure there are a few honest ethical cops, but most of them are corrupt.

This occurred around 1988

This incident happened while I was working at Sperry Flight Systems and Honeywell as an engineer. I worked there as a contractor for about 4 years until just before the Tiananmen Square incident in China in 1989.

This incident probably occurred a few weeks or months before July 23, 1988. At the time I had not been to Japan, but shortly after the incident I went to Japan. On that date I remember seeing a collision between the Japanese submarine Nadashio and the sports fishing boat Fuji Maru. It was the only thing on Japanese television I understood because I read about the collision in the English language newspapers.

I'm stopped by Phoenix Police Officer Michael Greenfield

I learned this lession when I was pulled over by Phoenix Police Officers Michael Greenfield. Oddly he even had the required “probable cause” needed to pull me over. He didn’t violate my civil rights by making an illegal stop.

I was making a left turn at the light on Northern and 7th Street in Phoenix. In front of me was an annoying motorist who didn’t pull out into the middle of the intersection like a good driver would.

I was back behind the line and when the light turned red I illegally made the turn. I was guilty of running a red light. Phoenix Police Officer Mike Greenfield pulled me over and wrote me a ticket.

By the time Phoenix Police Officer Mike Greenfield had written me the ticket there were several other Phoenix Police Officers on the scene. No big deal. But they would witness the crime that would soon happen. And I was naïve enough to think they would actually turn in their fellow dishonest cop. No way! That doesn’t happen.

No you can’t search my car

Before releasing me Phoenix Police Officer Mike Greenfield asked me if he could search my car. I had never told a cop before “No you can’t search my car unless you have a search warrant” but this time I did. I decided that if you don’t practice your rights you lose them.

Again I was naïve enough to think Phoenix Police Officer Mike Greenfield would actually honor my request not to search my truck. He didn’t.

Officer Mike Greenfield instead attacks me

Phoenix Police Officer Mike Greenfield instead attacked me. It’s been a long time but I think he grabbed one of my arms and yanked it behind my back and put me in some type of wresting hold, while we were both standing up. He caused a lot of pain to my arm and it hurt for several days. But other then that there was no lasting damage.

I don’t remember exactly what he said. But I was witnessed by the other cops there. Stupid me I actually thought his fellow cops would snitch on him.

Officer Michael Greenfield forces me to search my truck

Phoenix Police Officer Michael Greenfield then forced me to search my truck violating my 4th Amendment constitutional right against searches with out probable cause.

I would have been angry if Phoenix Police Officer Michael Greenfield had searched my truck illegally. But it was twice as humiliating because he forced me to search the truck for him.

The whole time while Michael Greenfield was forcing me to search my truck for him I wondered what he would do when after the search was over and it was apparent that I didn’t have anything illegal in my truck what would Michael Greenfield do? I mean it is pretty obvious that Michael Greenfield screwed up big time by beating me up and forcing me to search my truck.

Was Michael Greenfield sorry? Nope!

Would Michael Greenfield say “I am sorry I though you were a criminal and forced you to search your truck. I’m sorry I was wrong”?

Would Michael Greenfield say “I am sorry I attacked you because I though you were a criminal I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry I was wrong.”?

Michael Greenfield didn’t say he was sorry for beating me up. Michael Greenfield didn’t say he was sorry for forcing me to search my truck. Michael Greenfield treated me like I was a criminal who got away on a technical point. He treated me like sh*t. Michael Greenfield wasn’t the slight bit sorry for either of his crimes. Michael Greenfield was an arrogant *sshole!

I will never file a complaint again! It is a waste of time!

This I will never do again but naively I was dumb enough to complain about the illegal arrest and illegal assault and battery on my body.

Why would I want to waste my time filing a complaint that will be covered up? Why would I want to waste my time dealing with a bunch of crooked cops who will try to make me look bad to cover up for their crooked fellow cop?

But I was naïve and dumb at the time and actually wasted time filing a complaint. I was naïve and dumb at the time I actually thought the complaint would be processed fairly.

Sgt. Robert Sparks covers up the crime

That’s where Sgt. Robert Sparks comes in. That was a long time ago and now he is Lieutenant Robert Sparks. Sgt. Robert Sparks was the boss of Michael Greenfield. Sgt. Robert Sparks was the guy who was going to investigate my complaint.

First let me ask a question. Do you think a cop who has been accused of criminal charges can be fairly investigated by one of his buddies who is also his boss. Sounds almost impossible to me. But that’s the way most police agencies do it. They don’t bring in an outsider to investigate the crooked cops, but let the accused cop do the investigation.

Things started out bad for me and just got worse.

The cops who witnessed the attack and illegal search lied and said nothing happened. I was branded a liar in the police report Sgt. Robert Sparks. Yea and earlier I was dumb and naïve enough to think that these cops would snitch on their fellow crooked cop. Nope it is very unusual for cops to snitch on each other.

I take a lie detector test

An ex-cop I work with suggested that I take a lie detector test to prove I wasn’t lying. I thought that was a great idea. After all I had taken a lie detector test once before and passed it with flying colors.

Well I passed all the questions but one with flying colors. The one question that was debatable was had I smoked pot with in the last year. I didn’t know, was it 11 months and 29 days that I last smoked pot, or 12 months and 1 day that I last smoked pot. The guy who gave me the test said he could not give me a yes or no question if I passed that question.

Sgt. Robert Sparks doesn’t want me to take lie detector test

I called Sgt. Robert Sparks and told him I wanted to take a lie detector test to prove I wasn’t lying. Sgt. Robert Sparks didn’t like that idea at all. After all I suspect he was more interested in covering up the crimes of Michael Greenfield. He nixed the deal.

But I went over Sgt. Robert Sparks and got a higher ranking cop to approve the test. Of course I didn’t know the test would be rigged.

I should have a third party give me the test. But I didn’t event think of that option and I blindly assumed the Phoenix Police would give me a lie detector test fairly like the first one I took.

Lie detector test is rigged!

I flunked the test miserably. The Phoenix police lie detector cop screwed me. Of course if police lying rarely occurred they wouldn’t have a slang word for it. But police lying occurs all the time. That’s why they have a slang word for it – testilying.

Of course now with 20/20 hindsight I wouldn’t bother wasting money to have a third party give me a lie detector test. Even if I passed the cops would still cover the cops crime.

For that matter now when I get my civil rights violated by crooked cops I don’t even waste my time reporting the crime. It will be covered up. How ever documenting it like I am doing here is a good thing. It is intended to educate the world that American police are usually crooked, like police in other countries.

At least people in third world countries know their cops are crooked

The only difference between American cops and third world cops is people in third world countries know their cops are crooked. Most Americans don’t know that American cops are just as crooked.

I called and complained a number of times to Sgt. Robert Sparks about how the investigation was going. He just didn’t seem like he wanted to investigate it. Sgt. Robert Sparks seemed like he wanted to cover it.

Sgt. Robert Sparks says I will be arrested if I complain

In fact in one phone call Sgt. Robert Sparks told me that if I complained about the incident any more he was going to arrested me on some bogus charges.

I was shocked. I am trying to get a crooked cop removed from the force and the guy in charge of the investigation says he will arrest ME for complaining.

It is a waste of time to file complaints about corrupt cops

But I did learn one important lesson from Sgt. Robert Sparks and Officer Michael Greenfield, that the police are corrupt and you shouldn’t waste your time reporting crooked cops. It is a waste of your time and money. Not only will you waste your time, the cops will try to destroy your reputation and make you look like a criminal for complaining.

Some other incidents where crooked Phoenix police officers have violated my civil rights:

Michael Greenfield

Robert Sparks